Thursday, August 21, 2008

Male rooster, industrial sealant or male body part?

The wonders of a child's brain... and how it works!!...

I woke up this morning to a very interesting conversation with my 4 year old day care kid.

DC kid: I like these white walls( my bedroom walls) I want white walls in my room at home, and then someday I want to paint my room red.

Me(slowly waking up) Hmm those sound like nice colors...

DC kid: Yeah and I also want a Toy Cock

Me (totally awake now) you want a toy male rooster?

DC kid: No a toy cock!!

Me: Umm..ok (avoiding the next question that came to mind(think male body part)

About an hour after this happened her mom shows up and I ask her

Me:Do you know why your daughter would ask for a toy cock?

DC' s Mom: (with a startled look on her face) said No!

ME: Told her above story

DC's Mom: Chuckles and tells me about how they were cocking parts of her husbands trailer(caulking) over the weekend, and after they were done the mom ended up with some of the brown caulking on her finger The following conversation in sued... (Mom=M. Daughter=D)

D: Is that chocolate?
M: No its cocking
D: I don't like soft brown caulking, I like hard brown caulking...

The mom then tells me she had to leave the trailer in order to!!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

That is really freaking hilarious!!!