Monday, August 18, 2008

The first day

So today is the first day I am home by myself with both kiddos. I am not sure if it is because Bailey is such a good sleeper, or because I am feeling so motivated, but I am getting stuff done!

I got a load of laundry washed, and it is in the dryer right now. I did all the dishes, and got a shower!

I have dinner planned for tonight!

I am feeling very accomplished.....and I hope it continues and I can keep the energy up!!!


carley said...

Good for you Girl!! Something about being a ''veteran'' mom makes the second one easier. Watcha making for dinner????

Karyn said...

gonna have lasagna and green beans....

Lost in Tarnation said...

Kick ass!!! I'm so proud of you! Things will get even easier as you get settled into a routine, so you're totally set!!