Monday, September 29, 2008

Time is a constant.

This was my morning. From getting out of bed, to getting out of the door 45 minutes actually passed. But with -AH- toddler in tow it felt like 4.5 hours.

-If we had been moving any slower this morning, we would have been moving backwards. In fact I'm pretty sure at one point we were. I'm certain I saw myself pass by; she didn't look any better.
-For every 2 steps forward there were 500 back, 5 to the right, 5 to the left; 10 hops, 6 stomps with the right foot, 4 with the left; 20 hip wiggles, 2 back arches, and 45 "shut-ups". One of these days, one of them is going to be uttered by me.
-3 Time Outs where given. If you assume that 10 minutes is wasted in trying to get a child to behave prior to the time out, 36 minutes was dedicated to behavior modification. That means I had 9 minutes to myself. Which is why I look like I just got out of bed.
-If Fiona wants to act like a schizophrenic, that's fine. If the dog wants to act likewise, the dog is going to get his butt thrown in time out also.

I sometimes feel they only way I'm going to make it to work on time is if I make a deal with the devil.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The past...

It is so funny how things from the past pop up at the oddest times. I was out for my nightly walk a couple of nights ago....and as I was walking the normal route, when the sound of acoustic guitar filled the air. I looked to my right, and saw a young man and a girl. He was playing and singing and she was hanging off his every word. Suddenly I was transported 10 years back in time. I listened as I walked by and thought about a time in my life when I loved a boy like this. And when I say love, it was not a romantic love, but the purest kind of friendship love you could imagine. He played and sang, and I was entranced by his songs. I believed in what he sang about and believed that someday the world would see the genius that I saw in him and his music. Then I thought to my current life, and how besides an very scarce email here or there, I have not talked to this boy or heard his songs live in almost 6 years. I have gotten married and had two kids, he is engaged with a child of his own. As I walked I thought about him and his lovely songs....and I wondered if he ever picks up his guitar and thinks of me.

Monday, September 8, 2008

1 month ago...

1 month ago I gave birth to Bailey....

As I look back on this past month I feel so thankful that she is a good sleeper, and so happy that I now have two precious little girls whom I love so much!

I just cannot believe it has been a month is amazing how time flies when we are having fun!!!