If someone reads this post the link on BTBBC so everyone can understand. Today earlier, at some point in time, my computer was hacked. Several of my accounts were hacked including facebook, myspace, and Xanga. No one knows my passwords, and they are so complicated to guess that I'm surprized that they were able to figure them out, I use the same password for most everything. I've changed all my passwords, deleted accounts to multiple things and wiped my computer and reinstalled everything. I can't risk my info out like that. I'm sorry. I will miss you ladies, if any of you would like to chat you can contact me at TweetiePiesMommy@ ymail.com minus the space after the at symbol.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
The day of so much hope and so much promise....another long week is behind you, and the weekend hold endless possibilities....
I know as the holidays grow closer, we become more and more scheduled, not like we are not already...
But each week when this magical day hits, I look at the weekend and smile....2 days to be with my whole family all day long, things I want to get done, that might actually happen, hopefully some time to snuggle with Keith and the kids to watch movies and take it easy!
All of it makes me smile and makes me thankful it is FRIDAY!
I know as the holidays grow closer, we become more and more scheduled, not like we are not already...
But each week when this magical day hits, I look at the weekend and smile....2 days to be with my whole family all day long, things I want to get done, that might actually happen, hopefully some time to snuggle with Keith and the kids to watch movies and take it easy!
All of it makes me smile and makes me thankful it is FRIDAY!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Things I am thankful for....
My children: Even when they do not sleep and are screaming, I cannot believe the miracle that they are, and how I am so blessed to have them.
Keith: I have never known love like the love he gives me, we are best friends, but beyond that I have found someone who adores me...He is everything I have ever wanted in a partner
My Parents: For teaching me all that I know and for being the most amazing support system ever..
My brother: I know no matter what our relationship is like, I can call and he will be there for me...
My IL's: For raising the amazing man I married, even though I sometimes do not agree with what they say and do, they did good when raising Keith.
My friends: I have crazy friendships that expand all over the place and through cyberspace and beyond....I have these relationships with all different people and I feel so very blessed to know that I am loved...and that if I need a shoulder to cry, to bitch, moan and scream, or to laugh about something funny, all I have to do is pick up the phone, or log on....it is nice to know that
I feel even in these hard economic times I am more blessed than I could ever imagine....Life is good and the Good Lord has been very good to me...
My children: Even when they do not sleep and are screaming, I cannot believe the miracle that they are, and how I am so blessed to have them.
Keith: I have never known love like the love he gives me, we are best friends, but beyond that I have found someone who adores me...He is everything I have ever wanted in a partner
My Parents: For teaching me all that I know and for being the most amazing support system ever..
My brother: I know no matter what our relationship is like, I can call and he will be there for me...
My IL's: For raising the amazing man I married, even though I sometimes do not agree with what they say and do, they did good when raising Keith.
My friends: I have crazy friendships that expand all over the place and through cyberspace and beyond....I have these relationships with all different people and I feel so very blessed to know that I am loved...and that if I need a shoulder to cry, to bitch, moan and scream, or to laugh about something funny, all I have to do is pick up the phone, or log on....it is nice to know that
I feel even in these hard economic times I am more blessed than I could ever imagine....Life is good and the Good Lord has been very good to me...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Showering as a mom of two...
So I needed to get a shower this morning, Bailey is chillin in her boppy on the couch, sound asleep, and I do not want to move her and possibly wake her up....Sammy is watching Doodlebops, so I think perfect oppourtunity.
So here is my shower....
Me: Sammy...I am getting in the shower you be good...and do not touch mommy's laptop
Get in shower, start water, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Wet hair, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Lather hair with shampoo, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Rinse hair, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Put Conditioner in hair, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Lather up with soap, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Rinse hair and body, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Finally I am done....And of course she was an angel the whole time....and my shower took twice as long because of my constant checking on her, but I know if I did not check on her, my laptop would be laying on the ground, probably next to Bailey, and Sammy would be running around like crazy....
So here is my shower....
Me: Sammy...I am getting in the shower you be good...and do not touch mommy's laptop
Get in shower, start water, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Wet hair, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Lather hair with shampoo, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Rinse hair, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Put Conditioner in hair, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Lather up with soap, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Rinse hair and body, look around the curtain to see what Sammy is doing, check on Bailey and my laptop.
Finally I am done....And of course she was an angel the whole time....and my shower took twice as long because of my constant checking on her, but I know if I did not check on her, my laptop would be laying on the ground, probably next to Bailey, and Sammy would be running around like crazy....
Monday, September 29, 2008
Time is a constant.
This was my morning. From getting out of bed, to getting out of the door 45 minutes actually passed. But with -AH- toddler in tow it felt like 4.5 hours.
-If we had been moving any slower this morning, we would have been moving backwards. In fact I'm pretty sure at one point we were. I'm certain I saw myself pass by; she didn't look any better.
-For every 2 steps forward there were 500 back, 5 to the right, 5 to the left; 10 hops, 6 stomps with the right foot, 4 with the left; 20 hip wiggles, 2 back arches, and 45 "shut-ups". One of these days, one of them is going to be uttered by me.
-3 Time Outs where given. If you assume that 10 minutes is wasted in trying to get a child to behave prior to the time out, 36 minutes was dedicated to behavior modification. That means I had 9 minutes to myself. Which is why I look like I just got out of bed.
-If Fiona wants to act like a schizophrenic, that's fine. If the dog wants to act likewise, the dog is going to get his butt thrown in time out also.
I sometimes feel they only way I'm going to make it to work on time is if I make a deal with the devil.
-If we had been moving any slower this morning, we would have been moving backwards. In fact I'm pretty sure at one point we were. I'm certain I saw myself pass by; she didn't look any better.
-For every 2 steps forward there were 500 back, 5 to the right, 5 to the left; 10 hops, 6 stomps with the right foot, 4 with the left; 20 hip wiggles, 2 back arches, and 45 "shut-ups". One of these days, one of them is going to be uttered by me.
-3 Time Outs where given. If you assume that 10 minutes is wasted in trying to get a child to behave prior to the time out, 36 minutes was dedicated to behavior modification. That means I had 9 minutes to myself. Which is why I look like I just got out of bed.
-If Fiona wants to act like a schizophrenic, that's fine. If the dog wants to act likewise, the dog is going to get his butt thrown in time out also.
I sometimes feel they only way I'm going to make it to work on time is if I make a deal with the devil.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The past...
It is so funny how things from the past pop up at the oddest times. I was out for my nightly walk a couple of nights ago....and as I was walking the normal route, when the sound of acoustic guitar filled the air. I looked to my right, and saw a young man and a girl. He was playing and singing and she was hanging off his every word. Suddenly I was transported 10 years back in time. I listened as I walked by and thought about a time in my life when I loved a boy like this. And when I say love, it was not a romantic love, but the purest kind of friendship love you could imagine. He played and sang, and I was entranced by his songs. I believed in what he sang about and believed that someday the world would see the genius that I saw in him and his music. Then I thought to my current life, and how besides an very scarce email here or there, I have not talked to this boy or heard his songs live in almost 6 years. I have gotten married and had two kids, he is engaged with a child of his own. As I walked I thought about him and his lovely songs....and I wondered if he ever picks up his guitar and thinks of me.
Monday, September 8, 2008
1 month ago...
1 month ago I gave birth to Bailey....
As I look back on this past month I feel so thankful that she is a good sleeper, and so happy that I now have two precious little girls whom I love so much!
I just cannot believe it has been a month already...it is amazing how time flies when we are having fun!!!
As I look back on this past month I feel so thankful that she is a good sleeper, and so happy that I now have two precious little girls whom I love so much!
I just cannot believe it has been a month already...it is amazing how time flies when we are having fun!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So my entire pregnancy I limited my caffeine intake to as little as possible. Which meant no coffee and maybe 3 diet cokes the entire 9 months. I forgot how much I love that coffee. Bailey was an eating machine last night, and so the sleep I got was sitting up on the couch with a baby attached to me. So this morning I made a pot of coffee and decided I would drink a couple cups....yeah next thing I know the pot is gone and I am contemplating making a 2nd pot. I did not...but I will tell you this much, it was lovely to drink coffee and relax this morning. I just do not want this to turn into an everyday thing, but I could see it very easily happening.
O.K. end of coffee rant!
O.K. end of coffee rant!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Borrowed time...
So I witnessed death first hand for the first time last night. We had a man brought in the the ER in cardiac arrest. They were not able to regain a heartbeat.
Moments like that just make me reflect on life, what would happen to my boys, my husband, my life. How would my kids remember me, know that I loved them. Who would make their boo-boo's all better with a single kiss and hug. So even though Brendan and Nathan make me want to scream, I am happy that I am hear to experience that. I don't mind cleaning up the living 50 times a day, because God has allowed me another day to watch my boys love life. Basically we are all on borrowed time, no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. So live every moment, like it was your last.
It makes me recall on of my favorite phrases.
"Love as if you have never been hurt. Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. And live everyday as if it were your last"
Moments like that just make me reflect on life, what would happen to my boys, my husband, my life. How would my kids remember me, know that I loved them. Who would make their boo-boo's all better with a single kiss and hug. So even though Brendan and Nathan make me want to scream, I am happy that I am hear to experience that. I don't mind cleaning up the living 50 times a day, because God has allowed me another day to watch my boys love life. Basically we are all on borrowed time, no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. So live every moment, like it was your last.
It makes me recall on of my favorite phrases.
"Love as if you have never been hurt. Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. And live everyday as if it were your last"
Male rooster, industrial sealant or male body part?
The wonders of a child's brain... and how it works!!...
I woke up this morning to a very interesting conversation with my 4 year old day care kid.
DC kid: I like these white walls( my bedroom walls) I want white walls in my room at home, and then someday I want to paint my room red.
Me(slowly waking up) Hmm those sound like nice colors...
DC kid: Yeah and I also want a Toy Cock
Me (totally awake now) you want a toy male rooster?
DC kid: No a toy cock!!
Me: Umm..ok (avoiding the next question that came to mind(think male body part)
About an hour after this happened her mom shows up and I ask her
Me:Do you know why your daughter would ask for a toy cock?
DC' s Mom: (with a startled look on her face) said No!
ME: Told her above story
DC's Mom: Chuckles and tells me about how they were cocking parts of her husbands trailer(caulking) over the weekend, and after they were done the mom ended up with some of the brown caulking on her finger The following conversation in sued... (Mom=M. Daughter=D)
D: Is that chocolate?
M: No its cocking
D: I don't like soft brown caulking, I like hard brown caulking...
The mom then tells me she had to leave the trailer in order to laugh...lol!!
I woke up this morning to a very interesting conversation with my 4 year old day care kid.
DC kid: I like these white walls( my bedroom walls) I want white walls in my room at home, and then someday I want to paint my room red.
Me(slowly waking up) Hmm those sound like nice colors...
DC kid: Yeah and I also want a Toy Cock
Me (totally awake now) you want a toy male rooster?
DC kid: No a toy cock!!
Me: Umm..ok (avoiding the next question that came to mind(think male body part)
About an hour after this happened her mom shows up and I ask her
Me:Do you know why your daughter would ask for a toy cock?
DC' s Mom: (with a startled look on her face) said No!
ME: Told her above story
DC's Mom: Chuckles and tells me about how they were cocking parts of her husbands trailer(caulking) over the weekend, and after they were done the mom ended up with some of the brown caulking on her finger The following conversation in sued... (Mom=M. Daughter=D)
D: Is that chocolate?
M: No its cocking
D: I don't like soft brown caulking, I like hard brown caulking...
The mom then tells me she had to leave the trailer in order to laugh...lol!!
Today's the day!
Today is the day I have been waiting 8 months for! My husband and I will be reunited and getting started on our life in Texas! I can't wait! My parents aren't happy. My stepdaughters aren't happy (they are not going with us). My friends are not happy. I can't find anyone to talk about it with. My BTBBC friends are about it. A chapter in my life is closing where other people dictate what I say and do. We'll be able to do what we want and when we want. It's going to be glorious....
When someone dies....
Why do you think it effects me so much when someone I have never met in my life dies.
As you might have seen on the news...Leroi Moore, the saxaphonist from the Dave Matthews Band died on Tuesday. I have been absolutly heart sick about this...
But why? I never met the man, and even though they are my favorite band the way my heart feels about him passing, it is as though someone close to me is gone.
It is weird, when I hear about celebrities passing, like Bernie Mac last week, I always feel very sad about it.
Anytime before Keith always just looks at me and asks, Why? Why does it make me sad...and I have to ask myself that same question...
As you might have seen on the news...Leroi Moore, the saxaphonist from the Dave Matthews Band died on Tuesday. I have been absolutly heart sick about this...
But why? I never met the man, and even though they are my favorite band the way my heart feels about him passing, it is as though someone close to me is gone.
It is weird, when I hear about celebrities passing, like Bernie Mac last week, I always feel very sad about it.
Anytime before Keith always just looks at me and asks, Why? Why does it make me sad...and I have to ask myself that same question...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
"Where do we go next....the nut farm" Yes we do!!!
So I got Sammy a Dora big sister dvd to give to her when the baby comes...
She is in love and wants to watch it everyday...no biggie.
I am sitting here today and Dora is yelling in my ear, being all pushy " Say Backpack, Say Backpack"
They are trying to get home cause Dora's mom is having a baby " A BABY, A BABY"
They have to go through the spooky forest, and by the nut farm to get to Dora's house.....I will tell you this much they might as well drop me at the nut farm if I have to watch this again!
She is in love and wants to watch it everyday...no biggie.
I am sitting here today and Dora is yelling in my ear, being all pushy " Say Backpack, Say Backpack"
They are trying to get home cause Dora's mom is having a baby " A BABY, A BABY"
They have to go through the spooky forest, and by the nut farm to get to Dora's house.....I will tell you this much they might as well drop me at the nut farm if I have to watch this again!
Monday, August 18, 2008
My ass I'm outside your delivery zone
UGH.. I'm so freaking pissed at Jimmy Johns right now... How the mighty have fallen in my eyes... Fuckers are not even 5 minutes from my house and they're telling me that I'm outside of their delivery range and they won't deliver to me. Ummm. I've been having you deliver to my house since your store opened up at the beginning of the summer. Don't mess with my avo spread... The manager was yelling at me and I got super pissed and then he finally put me on the phone with his general manager who said that he would drive to my address and see what the distance was and if it's within 5 minutes, they'll add our address. Fuckers. Who the hell doesn't deliver spitting distance from their location?? Such bullshit... Now I'm screwed for lunch because the only thing that I want is a freaking jimmy johns sandwich and they won't accommodate me. Take your delicious roast beef sandwich and shove it in your gas tank.
Tonight is my last night of working midnights if I can help it. I know that they have a mini party planned for me. How do I know this? Because of the numerous amount of questions regarding whether or not I will be there. I had quit this job back in December to work for Hospice. It didn't work out and a month later I went back to the nursing home. When I quit in December I didn't canceled my last day and they had a mini party planned for me then. There was a big ice storm and I wasn't risking my life to get to work that night.
The stress of moving is starting to get to me. More so because of the house. I'm worried about it all. The packing and the moving is just way to much. I don't care to ever do this again.
The stress of moving is starting to get to me. More so because of the house. I'm worried about it all. The packing and the moving is just way to much. I don't care to ever do this again.
The first day
So today is the first day I am home by myself with both kiddos. I am not sure if it is because Bailey is such a good sleeper, or because I am feeling so motivated, but I am getting stuff done!
I got a load of laundry washed, and it is in the dryer right now. I did all the dishes, and got a shower!
I have dinner planned for tonight!
I am feeling very accomplished.....and I hope it continues and I can keep the energy up!!!
I got a load of laundry washed, and it is in the dryer right now. I did all the dishes, and got a shower!
I have dinner planned for tonight!
I am feeling very accomplished.....and I hope it continues and I can keep the energy up!!!
I knew he was metrosexual but COME ON!
The almost four year old decided to use his yogurt as hair gel. Pomade if you will. He was using it to separate and define his style. Why? Well because it was handy I suppose and pink. He enjoys things that are pink. He enjoys hair products and makeup. Oh and Listerine. He begs for Listerine. I admire his vanity actually. I am sitting here in a nursing cami and pajama bottoms. Some have asked if I worry about his sexuality. I always laugh out loud and say ''Hell No''. I just hope he helps me out when I need fashion advice. (which with the above described ensemble of the day I clearly already need his advice)
Why did I think having a dog would be fun?
Side note:
We are guessing that there is something in our grass that is not agreeing with a labs fur, Justin's brothers dog had the same problem when they were living with us last winter.
Back to the story:
Well it started to heal and so DBF stopped giving her the meds and instead of the wound continuing to heal it has gotten a HECK of a lot worse. In fact it reaches up her back past the front of her back left leg, and is still slightly bloody. It doesn't help that the dog gnaws on that area and scratches every where else every chance she gets. Which we can always tell when she is gnawing because there is a distinct sound that comes with that process. Oh ... I forgot to mention that this wound and the gnawing and scratching triples the amount of hair that collects on my floor, my clothes and the toddler, even after vacuuming.
I keep telling Justin that we need to get Sofie one of those cone like dog collars, but he says it wouldn't stop her she would find a way to get to the spot no matter what it took. But I still think it would help my sanity and my vacuum if we invested or invented one of our own.
OH CRAP... that remind me I need to find out if Justin gave her the pill this morning?
Oh good he did!!
Here's the wound today:
Crap... What did I just start
A purple dinosaur has just landed in my living room for the first time because I wasn't quick on the draw after Sesame Street... The terrorist is hooked. Crap. I'm having flashbacks to my younger siblings obsessions with Barney and shuddering...
Crap, I tried changing the channel, but the toddler crack has entered his system... I'm screwed.
Crap, I tried changing the channel, but the toddler crack has entered his system... I'm screwed.
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